October 4, 2008

ALS - Lou Gehrig's Disease Awareness

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My mom has Lou Gehrig's Disease / Bulbar Palsy (ALS - Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis). This is a serious, life limiting illness with little to no hope of surviving. It is our goal to find something good in this disease, although we realize that we may not recognize the good during her life time.

The above butterfly charm is filled with ALS awareness ribbons and is free for personal use.


Unknown said...

This is so cute!! I love it!

Kei42 said...

Thank you for this beautiful butterfly. Just 3 weeks ago, my mother passed away from ALS. I know she would have loved it, too.

Rebecca said...

Greetings Gina,
I found your blog searching for ALS-Lou Gehrig's Disease.
I believe it's been sometime since you posted about your mom but I found and am using the butterfly for ALS awareness.
I have a desire to educate others more and hope to bring others together in time to support one another as well.
Thank you for the work you do.